At lunch today, Luke learned that if he puts a grape in his mouth, closes his lips partially over it, and blows, the grape will shoot out across the table onto the floor.
He also learned that if Mama gives him a cup to drink out of (not a sippee cup) he can use it to blow bubbles.
Lunch was very giggly today, on two people's parts. Not so much on Mama's part, although since Luke did go over the floor, picking up and eating the grapes he spit out, I guess I should not complain.
He also learned that if Mama gives him a cup to drink out of (not a sippee cup) he can use it to blow bubbles.
Lunch was very giggly today, on two people's parts. Not so much on Mama's part, although since Luke did go over the floor, picking up and eating the grapes he spit out, I guess I should not complain.