On Monday, we went to the local mall and the kids got a ride on the merry-go-round.
Eleanor had a good time. She picked out the most beautiful horse (the one with the most purple on it) and moved up and down and back and forth with the horse, so as to get the most enjoyment out of the ride.
Amanda got into the "teacup", a circular seat which revolves when you spin it around a center post. Amanda has often gone on this with Eleanor, but this time a grandmother and her 3 year old (about twice the size of Amanda, I thought) were riding it. Needless to say, it was quite a different experience. Eleanor likes to spin it very fast, change direction, etc. Amanda tried hard to spin it, with no help from the other two (although the 3 year old occasionally pushed the wrong way as she tried to help). She managed a slow whirl, nothing like the ride with Eleanor, but a ride of her own making, so it was good.
Luke, who I like to think of as a daredevil child, is actually quite cautious. He takes things apart and mixes things together and generally makes a mess, but he is afraid of things that move too fast, things that might hurt him, hot things, and so on. He did not like the carousel at all. Michael tried to put him on a horse---nothing doing. Finally Michael sat on the horse while holding him, and he clung to Michael and was generally worried the whole time.
The best part? I got to watch from the sides and enjoy all 3 kids' reactions.
Eleanor had a good time. She picked out the most beautiful horse (the one with the most purple on it) and moved up and down and back and forth with the horse, so as to get the most enjoyment out of the ride.
Amanda got into the "teacup", a circular seat which revolves when you spin it around a center post. Amanda has often gone on this with Eleanor, but this time a grandmother and her 3 year old (about twice the size of Amanda, I thought) were riding it. Needless to say, it was quite a different experience. Eleanor likes to spin it very fast, change direction, etc. Amanda tried hard to spin it, with no help from the other two (although the 3 year old occasionally pushed the wrong way as she tried to help). She managed a slow whirl, nothing like the ride with Eleanor, but a ride of her own making, so it was good.
Luke, who I like to think of as a daredevil child, is actually quite cautious. He takes things apart and mixes things together and generally makes a mess, but he is afraid of things that move too fast, things that might hurt him, hot things, and so on. He did not like the carousel at all. Michael tried to put him on a horse---nothing doing. Finally Michael sat on the horse while holding him, and he clung to Michael and was generally worried the whole time.
The best part? I got to watch from the sides and enjoy all 3 kids' reactions.
He has inherited some fear genes from his paternal grandfather... I recall at age six being too frightened of the carousel to get on, while my hyper little brother Mike hopped on eagerly and shrieked with joy.
The secret to managing the fear, for me, was to be able to feel in control, and to have a gradual rather than sudden introduction.