After the snow and the slush, it was finally nice enough for the kids to go to the park today. Eleanor hosted a "Y princess" meeting, so it was just Amanda and Luke.
I could not convince them to put on their jackets, but it was 40 degrees, sunny, and not very windy so they were comfortable. They dug in the sand, swung, and played on the equipment (favorite game: Mama sits at the bottom of the slide and children run into her). The biggest excitement, though, was when a young teenager started practicing his skateboarding tricks. Amanda ran over first and tried to talk to him. Then Luke ran over and tried to run in front of him as he was skating---not a good idea. I put him and Amanda on top of the climbing rock so they had a good view and couldn't get down to get in the skateboarder's way.
Amanda watched for a while, very interested when he tried to jump up on the bench and slide along it. Luke was fascinated, watching the whole time. The kid protested that he was just practicing, but that made it even more interesting since he fell occasionally and made noises (no words were audible =). When we went home I asked Luke what he thought. He said (approximately, and over and over), "I will go home and use my skateboard, and when I jump I will say 'ugh!'" I pointed out that he didn't have a skateboard, and he suggested that I buy him one.
Amanda thought that a skateboard might be easier than a bike. Well, maybe. I don't think I'll get one for the kids any time soon.
I could not convince them to put on their jackets, but it was 40 degrees, sunny, and not very windy so they were comfortable. They dug in the sand, swung, and played on the equipment (favorite game: Mama sits at the bottom of the slide and children run into her). The biggest excitement, though, was when a young teenager started practicing his skateboarding tricks. Amanda ran over first and tried to talk to him. Then Luke ran over and tried to run in front of him as he was skating---not a good idea. I put him and Amanda on top of the climbing rock so they had a good view and couldn't get down to get in the skateboarder's way.
Amanda watched for a while, very interested when he tried to jump up on the bench and slide along it. Luke was fascinated, watching the whole time. The kid protested that he was just practicing, but that made it even more interesting since he fell occasionally and made noises (no words were audible =). When we went home I asked Luke what he thought. He said (approximately, and over and over), "I will go home and use my skateboard, and when I jump I will say 'ugh!'" I pointed out that he didn't have a skateboard, and he suggested that I buy him one.
Amanda thought that a skateboard might be easier than a bike. Well, maybe. I don't think I'll get one for the kids any time soon.