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Things about Luke

Since one of the reasons for writing this blog is to keep Luke's babyhood from slipping away unrecorded, here are some things I already know about him, even though he's only 4 months old:
  • He likes facing forward when you carry him. If you have him facing over your shoulder, he will leap out of your arms (practically) to get facing forward.
  • He prefers being carried to being strolled.
  • He prefers not to sleep or take long naps (although I suspect that if he were a first child, he would be fine with taking a 2 hour nap in the morning and one in the afternoon. His sisters don't give him much of a chance, though).
  • He loves to stand and jump and walk.
  • He talks almost as much as his sisters.
  • If anyone comes and talks to him, he will smile and coo and be very cute. This is especially true for young blonde girls (I think they remind him of his sisters). He is really an attention sinkhole, though.
  • He does not like loud noises, or bathwater that is too hot.
  • He will chew on anything, given the chance.
  • He's much too busy looking around to have a bite to eat
  • He likes sitting in his bouncy seat and watching the bubbles go.
  • He likes going fast in the car. He does not like being stopped in traffic.
  • His sisters adore him (mostly) and he likes them pretty well, too.
When Eleanor was a few months old, we had a diary that we wrote in every day, documenting what she did and how she slept (mostly how she slept =). With Amanda we took more pictures. Hopefully this will make Luke feel less left out.


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