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Showing posts from August, 2017

Note to self

I asked Amanda if she wanted to bring her violin on this year's vacation to see grandparents.  It can be fun to make music with cousins and it is good to keep up on practicing while traveling so you don't lose your progress. It also gives structure to the days which can sometimes be long and boring. However, Amanda said that she had written a note to herself telling her not to bring her violin along.  I understand that, I make imaginary notes to myself all the time.  But then she got out her notebook and showed me a page on which she had written, "Note to future Amanda: Do not bring your violin on a vacation."  Not an imaginary note---there it was, in black and white.  So we didn't bring the violin this time.  I think future Amanda appreciated the foresight. Poor Luke plays piano.  On the one hand, he absolutely cannot bring his instrument along with.  On the other hand, many places have pianos and then he can practice.  We are still work...