We went to the nuclear power plant "community day" open house today. It was a great time. One of the best parts was seeing the parents teaching kids about electricity generation, chemistry, biology, energy use, and even the politics of nuclear power. They almost never stopped teaching, even when they were in the line for the ice cream. I felt like we were all connected, somehow. They had a cherry picker out front. We got in line right after we arrived so Amanda and Luke were both able to get rides. The biggest problem the people working the exhibit had was putting the grown-up sized harnesses on kid-sized people. They didn't cinch them up as tightly as usual, since the children's heads were basically the only part peeking over the bucket--- there was hardly any risk of falling. One of the displays was of energy efficient lightbulbs. They were giving away CFL's, but when I asked about LEDs the person at the booth said those were much be...
Mostly a family blog, with occasional parenting advice, as well as a few opinions...